Cap & Gown Info
Graduation > Cap & Gown Info
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Cap & Gown Information
The University Commencement Ceremony is an academic ceremony; therefore all participants must wear traditional academic regalia.
Commencement Regalia Uniform Code
In 1896, colleges and universities throughout the United States adopted a uniform code governing academic dress, and all graduates from the University of Colorado wear black gowns. Those who are receiving a master's or doctor's degree wear hoods lined with the university colors, silver and gold. The velvet border of the hood indicates the degree and master’s graduates wear a black cap and tassel, while the doctor graduates have a gold bullion tassel attached to their tam.
Master's, Doctoral Students, and Law Students
Master's, Doctoral, and Law Students wear regalia purchased directly from Jostens
Additional information including ordering deadlines may be found on the commencement website. Please view Jostens University of Colorado product webpage for details on additional products available.
If you wish to purchase custom fine quality regalia to have it for future use, you may order online or contact Jostens Customer Service: 800-854-7464; Clay Rogers 970-617-5970
Please note that this information is subject to change. Jostens is the officially approved provider of regalia by the University of Colorado Boulder and there are no substitutions.
Undergraduate Students
Students graduating with their bachelor’s degree wear a black cap and a colored tassel that indicates their field of study, except for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from the College of Arts & Sciences, whose undergraduate candidates wear white tassels. Tassels are worn to the right front of the cap before the degree is conferred, and over the left thereafter.
- Arts and Sciences: White
- Business: Sapphire Blue
- Education: Light Blue
- Engineering: Orange
- Environmental Design: Lavender
- Fine Arts: Brown
- Media Communication & Information: Red
- Music: Pink
All bachelor students are required to purchase regalia for the ceremony from the CU Book Store, located in the UMC. Regalia will be available for purchase at the cashiers in the lower level of the bookstore beginning November 1. Regalia can also be purchased online from the CU Book Store's website. Please view our regalia pages for detailed product information. Regalia purchased is non-returnable. Other souvenir regalia packages are available for purchase. Call 303-492-6411 or visit the store for more information. The CU Boulder undergraduate regalia from Jostens features the Elements Collection™, and is the only U.S. Certified Bio-Based regalia available in America. Sourced from wood pulp, the fabric represents true sustainability, and is bio-degradable.
The University of Colorado Boulder welcomes Native American and Indigenous students and their families to wear and display traditional Native American or Indigenous regalia at graduation. Regalia might include accessories such as beads, jewelry, feathers or leis and clothes, blankets and footwear. Only enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe should wear or possess eagle feathers.